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Labtech Cookbook

The following cookbook presents labtech patterns for common use cases.

You can also run this cookbook as an interactive notebook.

%pip install labtech fsspec mlflow pandas scikit-learn setuptools
!mkdir storage
import labtech

import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.base import clone, ClassifierMixin
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# Prepare a dataset for examples
digits_X, digits_y = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True)
digits_X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(digits_X)

How can I print log messages from my task?

Using labtech.logger (a standard Python logger object) is the recommended approach for logging from a task, but all output that is sent to STDOUT (e.g. calls to print()) or STDERR (e.g. uncaught exceptions) will also be captured and logged:

class PrintingExperiment:
    seed: int

    def run(self):
        labtech.logger.warning(f'Warning, the seed is: {self.seed}')
        print(f'The seed is: {self.seed}')
        return self.seed * self.seed

experiments = [
    for seed in range(5)
lab = labtech.Lab(storage=None)
results = lab.run_tasks(experiments)

How do I specify a complex object, like a model or dataset, as a task parameter?

Because labtech needs to be able to reconstitute Task objects from caches, task parameters can only be:

  • Simple scalar types: str, bool, float, int, None
  • Any member of an Enum type.
  • Task types: A task parameter is a "nested task" that will be executed before its parent so that it may make use of the nested result.
  • Collections of any of these types: list, tuple, dict, frozendict
  • Note: Mutable list and dict collections will be converted to immutable tuple and frozendict collections.

The are three primary patterns you can use to provide a more complex object as a parameter to a task:

  • Constructing the object in a dependent task
  • Passing the object in an Enum parameter
  • Passing the object in the lab context

Constructing objects in dependent tasks

If your object can be constructed from its own set of parameters, then you can use a dependent task as a "factory" to construct your object.

For example, you could define a task type to construct a machine learning model (like LRClassifierTask below), and then make a task of that type a parameter for your primary experiment task:

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

# Constructing a classifier object is inexpensive, so we don't need to
# cache the result
class LRClassifierTask:
    random_state: int

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:
        return LogisticRegression(

class ClassifierExperiment:
    classifier_task: LRClassifierTask

    def run(self) -> np.ndarray:
        # Because the classifier task result may be shared between experiments,
        # we clone it before fitting.
        clf = clone(self.classifier_task.result), digits_y)
        return clf.predict_proba(digits_X)

experiment = ClassifierExperiment(
lab = labtech.Lab(storage=None)
results = lab.run_tasks([experiment])

We can extend this example with additional task types to cater for different types of classifiers with a Protocol that defines their common result type:

from typing import Protocol

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB

class ClassifierTask(Protocol):

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:

class LRClassifierTask:
    random_state: int

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:
        return LogisticRegression(

class NBClassifierTask:

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:
        return GaussianNB()

class ClassifierExperiment:
    classifier_task: ClassifierTask

    def run(self) -> np.ndarray:
        # Because the classifier task result may be shared between experiments,
        # we clone it before fitting.
        clf = clone(self.classifier_task.result), digits_y)
        return clf.predict_proba(digits_X)

classifier_tasks = [
experiments = [
    for classifier_task in classifier_tasks
lab = labtech.Lab(storage=None)
results = lab.run_tasks(experiments)

Passing objects in Enum parameters

For simple object parameters that have a fixed set of known values, an Enum of possible values can be used to provide parameter values.

The following example shows how an Enum of functions can be used for a parameter to specify the operation that an experiment performs:

Note: Because parameter values will be pickled when they are copied to parallel task sub-processes, the type used in a parameter Enum must support equality between identical (but distinct) object instances.

from enum import Enum
from datetime import datetime

# The custom class we want to provide objects of as parameters.
class Dataset:

    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key = datasets.fetch_openml(key, parser='auto').data

    def __eq__(self, other):
        # Support equality check to allow pickling of Enum values
        if type(self) != type(other):
            return False
        return self.key == other.key

class DatasetOption(Enum):

class DatasetExperiment:
    dataset: DatasetOption

    def run(self):
        dataset = self.dataset.value

experiments = [
    for dataset in DatasetOption
lab = labtech.Lab(storage=None)
results = lab.run_tasks(experiments)

Passing objects in the lab context

If an object cannot be conveniently defined in an Enum (such as types like Numpy arrays or Pandas DataFrames that cannot be directly specified as an Enum value, or large values that cannot all be loaded into memory every time the Enum is loaded), then the lab context can be used to pass the object to a task.

Warning: Because values provided in the lab context are not cached, they should be kept constant between runs or should not affect task results (e.g. parallel worker counts, log levels). If changing context values cause task results to change, then cached results may no longer be valid.

The following example demonstrates specifying a dataset_key parameter to a task that is used to look up a dataset from the lab context:

    'zeros': np.zeros((50, 10)),
    'ones': np.ones((50, 10)),

class SumExperiment:
    dataset_key: str

    def run(self):
        dataset = self.context['DATASETS'][self.dataset_key]
        return np.sum(dataset)

experiments = [
    for dataset_key in DATASETS.keys()
lab = labtech.Lab(
results = lab.run_tasks(experiments)

How can I control multi-processing myself within a task?

By default, Labtech executes tasks in parallel on all available CPU cores. However, you can control multi-processing yourself by disabling task parallelism and performing your own parallelism within a task's run() method.

The following example uses max_parallel to allow only one CVExperiment to be executed at a time, and then performs cross-validation within the task using a number of workers specified in the lab context as within_task_workers:

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB

class CVExperiment:
    cv_folds: int

    def run(self):
        clf = GaussianNB()
        return cross_val_score(

experiments = [
    for cv_folds in [5, 10]
lab = labtech.Lab(
        'within_task_workers': 4,
results = lab.run_tasks(experiments)

Note: Instead of limiting parallelism for a single task type by specifying max_parallel in the @labtech.task decorator, you can limit parallelism across all tasks with max_workers when constructing a labtech.Lab.

Note: The joblib library used by sklearn does not behave correctly when run from within a task sub-process, but setting max_parallel=1 or max_workers=1 ensures tasks are run inside the main process.

How can I make labtech continue executing tasks even when one or more fail?

Labtech's default behaviour is to stop executing any new tasks as soon as any individual task fails. However, when executing tasks over a long period of time (e.g. a large number of tasks, or even a few long running tasks), it is sometimes helpful to have labtech continue to execute tasks even if one or more fail.

If you set continue_on_failure=True when creating your lab, exceptions raised during the execution of a task will be logged, but the execution of other tasks will continue:

lab = labtech.Lab(

What happens to my cached results if I change or move the definition of a task?

A task's cache will store all details necessary to reinstantiate the task object, including the qualified name of the task's class and all of the task's parameters. Because of this, it is best not to change the parameters and location of a task's definition once you are seriously relying on cached results.

If you need to add a new parameter or behaviour to an existing task type for which you have previously cached results, consider defining a sub-class for that extension so that you can continue using caches for the base class:

class Experiment:
    seed: int

    def run(self):
        return self.seed * self.seed

class ExtendedExperiment(Experiment):
    multiplier: int

    def run(self):
        base_result = super().run()
        return base_result * self.multiplier

How can I find what results I have cached?

You can use the cached_task() method of a Lab instance to retrieve all cached task instances for a list of task types. You can then "run" the tasks to load their cached results:

cached_cvexperiment_tasks = lab.cached_tasks([CVExperiment])
results = lab.run_tasks(cached_cvexperiment_tasks)

How can I clear cached results?

You can clear the cache for a list of tasks using the uncache_tasks() method of a Lab instance:


You can also ignore all previously cached results when running a list of tasks by passing the bust_cache option to run_tasks():

lab.run_tasks(cached_cvexperiment_tasks, bust_cache=True)

What types of values should my tasks return to be cached?

While you can define your task to return any Python object you like to be cached, one generally useful approach is to return a dictionary comprised of built-in (e.g. lists, strings, numbers) or otherwise standard data types (e.g. arrays, dataframes). This is for two reasons:

  1. If the returned dictionary needs to be extended to include additional keys, it will often be straightforward to adapt code that uses task results to safely continue using previously cached results that do not contain those keys.
  2. Using custom objects (such as dataclasses) could cause issues when loading cached objects if the definition of the class ever changes.

If you want to keep the typing benefits of a custom dataclass, you can consider using a TypeDict:

from typing import TypedDict, NotRequired

class MyTaskResult(TypedDict):
    predictions: np.ndarray
    # Key added in a later version of the task. Requires Python >= 3.11.
    model_weights: NotRequired[np.ndarray]

class ExampleTask:
    seed: int

    def run(self):
        return MyTaskResult(
            predictions=np.array([1, 2, 3]),
            model_weights=np.array([self.seed, self.seed ** 2]),

How can I cache task results in a format other than pickle?

You can define your own cache type to support storing cached results in a format other than pickle. To do so, you must define a class that extends labtech.cache.BaseCache and defines KEY_PREFIX, save_result(), and load_result(). You can then configure any task type by passing an instance of your new cache type for the cache option of the @labtech.task decorator.

The following example demonstrates defining and using a custom cache type to store Pandas DataFrames as parquet files:

from labtech.cache import BaseCache
from labtech.types import Task, ResultT
from import Storage
from typing import Any
import pandas as pd

class ParquetCache(BaseCache):
    """Caches a Pandas DataFrame result as a parquet file."""
    KEY_PREFIX = 'parquet__'

    def save_result(self, storage: Storage, task: Task[ResultT], result: ResultT):
        if not isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame):
            raise ValueError('ParquetCache can only cache DataFrames')
        with storage.file_handle(task.cache_key, 'result.parquet', mode='wb') as data_file:

    def load_result(self, storage: Storage, task: Task[ResultT]) -> ResultT:
        with storage.file_handle(task.cache_key, 'result.parquet', mode='rb') as data_file:
            return pd.read_parquet(data_file)

class TabularTask:

    def run(self):
        return pd.DataFrame({
            'x': [1, 2, 3],
            'y': [1, 4, 9],

lab = labtech.Lab(storage='storage/parquet_example')

How can I cache task results somewhere other than my filesystem?

You can cache results in a location other than the local filesystem by defining your own storage type that extends and defines find_keys(), exists(), file_handle() and delete(). You can then pass an instance of your new storage backend for the storage option when constructing a Lab instance.

The following example demonstrates constructing a storage backend to interface to the LocalFileSystem provided by the fsspec library. This example could be adapted for other fsspec implementations, such as cloud storage providers like Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage:

from import Storage
from typing import IO, Sequence
from pathlib import Path
from fsspec.implementations.local import LocalFileSystem

class LocalFsspecStorage(Storage):
    """Store results in the local file filesystem."""

    def __init__(self, storage_dir):
        self.storage_dir = Path(storage_dir).resolve()
        fs = self._fs('w')
        fs.mkdirs(self.storage_dir, exist_ok=True)

    def _fs(self, mode):
        return LocalFileSystem()

    def _key_to_path(self, key):
        return self.storage_dir / key

    def find_keys(self) -> Sequence[str]:
        return [str(Path(entry).relative_to(self.storage_dir)) for entry in self._fs('r').ls(self.storage_dir)]

    def exists(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return self._fs('r').exists(self._key_to_path(key))

    def file_handle(self, key: str, filename: str, *, mode: str = 'r') -> IO:
        fs_mode = 'w' if 'w' in mode else 'r'
        fs = self._fs(fs_mode)
        key_path = self._key_to_path(key)
        fs.mkdirs(key_path, exist_ok=True)
        file_path = (key_path / filename).resolve()
        if file_path.parent != key_path:
            raise ValueError((f"Filename '{filename}' should only reference a directory directly "
                              f"under the storage key directory '{key_path}'"))
        return, mode)

    def delete(self, key: str):
        fs = self._fs('w')
        path = self._key_to_path(key)
        if fs.exists(path):
            fs.rm(path, recursive=True)

class Experiment:
    seed: int

    def run(self):
        return self.seed * self.seed

experiments = [
    for seed in range(100)
lab = labtech.Lab(storage=LocalFsspecStorage('storage/fsspec_example'))
results = lab.run_tasks(experiments)

Loading lots of cached results is slow, how can I make it faster?

If you have a large number of tasks, you may find that the overhead of loading each individual task result from the cache is unacceptably slow when you need to frequently reload previous results for analysis.

In such cases, you may find it helpful to create a final task that depends on all of your individual tasks and aggregates all of their results into a single cached result. Note that this final result cache will need to be rebuilt whenever any of its dependent tasks changes or new dependent tasks are added. Furthermore, this approach will require additional storage for the final cache in addition to the individual result caches.

The following example demonstrates defining and using an AggregationTask to aggregate the results from many individual tasks to create an aggregated cache that can be loaded more efficiently:

from labtech.types import Task

class Experiment:
    seed: int

    def run(self):
        return self.seed * self.seed

class AggregationTask:
    sub_tasks: list[Task]

    def run(self):
        return [
            for sub_task in self.sub_tasks

experiments = [
    for seed in range(1000)
aggregation_task = AggregationTask(
lab = labtech.Lab(storage='storage/aggregation_lab')
result = lab.run_task(aggregation_task)

How can I optimise memory usage in labtech?

Labtech needs to duplicate the results of dependent tasks and the lab context into each task's process. Therefore, to reduce memory usage (and the computational cost of pickling and unpickling these values when copying them between processes), you should try to keep these values as small as possible.

Sharing context with forked processes

If you are running labtech on Linux with the default start method of fork, then you can rely on the memory shared between forked processes to share the lab context without duplicating it. To do so:

  1. Store your context in a global variable
  2. Define a global function that returns the context global variable
  3. Pass that context function as the lab's context
  4. From any task run() method that needs to use the context, call the function now stored in self.context to access the context.

The following code demonstrates this pattern:

    'DATASETS': {
        'zeros': np.zeros((50, 10)),
        'ones': np.ones((50, 10)),

def context_loader():
    return CONTEXT

class SumExperiment:
    dataset_key: str

    def run(self):
        context = self.context()
        dataset = context['DATASETS'][self.dataset_key]
        return np.sum(dataset)

experiments = [
    for dataset_key in CONTEXT['DATASETS'].keys()
lab = labtech.Lab(
results = lab.run_tasks(experiments)

How can I see when a task was run and how long it took to execute?

Once a task has been executed (or loaded from cache), you can see when it was originally executed and how long it took to execute from the task's .result_meta attribute:

print(f'The task was executed at: {aggregation_task.result_meta.start}')
print(f'The task execution took: {aggregation_task.result_meta.duration}')

How can I access the results of intermediate/dependency tasks?

To conserve memory, labtech's default behaviour is to unload the results of intermediate/dependency tasks once their directly dependent tasks have finished executing.

A simple approach to access the results of an intermediate task may simply be to include it's results as part of the result of the task that depends on it - that way you only need to look at the results of the final task(s).

Another approach is to include all of the intermediate tasks for which you wish to access the results for in the call to run_tasks():

experiments = [
    for seed in range(10)
aggregation_task = AggregationTask(
lab = labtech.Lab(storage=None)
results = lab.run_tasks([
    # Include intermediate tasks to access their results
    for experiment in experiments

You can also configure labtech to not remove intermediate results from memory by setting keep_nested_results=True when calling run_tasks(). Intermediate results can then be accessed from the .result attribute of all task objects. However, only results that needed to be executed or loaded from cache in order to produce the final result will be available, so you may need to set bust_cache=True to ensure all intermediate tasks are executed:

experiments = [
    for seed in range(10)
aggregation_task = AggregationTask(
lab = labtech.Lab(storage=None)
result = lab.run_task(
    for experiment in experiments

How can I construct a multi-step experiment pipeline?

Say you want to model a multi-step experiment pipeline, where StepA is run before StepB, which is run before StepC:

StepA -> StepB -> StepC

This is modeled in labtech by defining a task type for each step, and having each step depend on the result from the previous step:

class StepA:
    seed_a: int

    def run(self):
        return self.seed_a

class StepB:
    task_a: StepA
    seed_b: int

    def run(self):
        return self.task_a.result * self.seed_b

class StepC:
    task_b: StepB
    seed_c: int

    def run(self):
        return self.task_b.result * self.seed_c

task_a = StepA(
task_b = StepB(
task_c = StepC(

lab = labtech.Lab(storage=None)
result = lab.run_task(task_c)

How can I visualise my task types, including their parameters and dependencies?

labtech.diagram.display_task_diagram() can be used to display a Mermaid diagram of task types for a given list of tasks:

from labtech.diagram import display_task_diagram


labtech.diagram.build_task_diagram() can be similarly used to return the Mermaid syntax for the diagram.

How can I use labtech with mlflow?

If you want to log a task type as an mlflow "run", simply add mlflow_run=True to the call to @labtech.task(), which will:

  • Wrap each run of the task with mlflow.start_run()
  • Tag the run with labtech_task_type equal to the task class name
  • Log all task parameters with mlflow.log_param()

The following example demonstrates using labtech with mlflow. Note that you can still make any configuration changes (such as mlflow.set_experiment()) before the tasks are run, and you can make additional tracking calls (such as mlflow.log_metric() or mlflow.log_model()) in the body of your task's run() method:

import mlflow
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

class MLRun:
    penalty_norm: str | None

    def run(self) -> np.ndarray:
        clf = LogisticRegression(penalty=self.penalty_norm), digits_y)

        labels = clf.predict(digits_X)

        train_accuracy = accuracy_score(digits_y, labels)
        mlflow.log_metric('train_accuracy', train_accuracy)


        return labels

runs = [
    for penalty_norm in [None, 'l2']

lab = labtech.Lab(storage=None)
results = lab.run_tasks(runs)

Note: While the mlflow documentation recommends wrapping only your tracking code with mlflow.start_run(), labtech wraps the entire call to the run() method of your task in order to track execution times in mlflow.

Note: Because mlflow logging will be performed from a separate process for each task, you must use an mlflow tracking backend that supports multiple simultaneous connections. Specifically, using an SQLite backend directly from multiple processes may result in database locking errors. Instead, consider using local files (the default used by mlflow), an SQL database that runs as a server (e.g. postgresql, mysql, or mssql), or running a local mlflow tracking server (which may itself connect to an sqlite database). For more details, see the mlflow backend documentation.

Why do I see the following error: An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process has finished?

When running labtech in a Python script on Windows, macOS, or any Python environment using the spawn multiprocessing start method, you will see the following error if you do not guard your experiment and lab creation and other non-definition code with __name__ == '__main__':

        An attempt has been made to start a new process before the
        current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.

        This probably means that you are not using fork to start your
        child processes and you have forgotten to use the proper idiom
        in the main module:

            if __name__ == '__main__':

        The "freeze_support()" line can be omitted if the program
        is not going to be frozen to produce an executable.

To avoid this error, it is recommended that you write all of your non-definition code for a Python script in a main() function, and then guard the call to main() with __name__ == '__main__':

import labtech

class Experiment:
    seed: int

    def run(self):
        return self.seed * self.seed

def main():
    experiments = [
        for seed in range(1000)
    lab = labtech.Lab(storage='storage/guarded_lab')
    result = lab.run_tasks(experiments)

if __name__ == '__main__':

For details, see Safe importing of main module.

Why do I see the following error: AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'YOUR_TASK_CLASS' on <module '__main__' (built-in)>?

You will see this error (as part of a very long stack trace) when defining and running labtech tasks from an interactive Python shell on Windows or macOS (or more specifically, when Python's multiprocessing start method has been set to spawn or forkserver).

The solution to this error is to define all of your labtech Task types in a separate .py Python module file which you can import into your interactive shell session (e.g. from my_module import MyTask).

The reason for this error is that spawn and forkserver start methods will not copy the current state of your __main__ module (which contains the variables you declare interactively in the Python shell, including task definitions) into labtech's task subprocesses. This error does not occur for the fork start method (the current default on Linux) because forked subprocesses do receive the current state of all modules (including __main__) from the parent process.