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Labtech Tutorial

The following tutorial presents a complete example of using labtech to easily add parallelism and caching to machine learning experiments.

You can also run this tutorial as an interactive notebook.

Before we begin, let's install labtech along with some other dependencies we will use in this tutorial:

%pip install labtech mlflow scikit-learn

Let's also clear any caches that were created by previous runs of this tutorial:

!rm -rf storage/tutorial/
!mkdir -p storage/tutorial/

Running a single experiment as a labtech task

To get started, we'll take the following simple machine learning experiment code and convert it to be run with labtech.

from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss

digits_X, digits_y = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True)
digits_X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(digits_X)

clf = RandomForestClassifier(
), digits_y)
prob_y = clf.predict_proba(digits_X)

print(f'{log_loss(digits_y, prob_y) = :.3}')

Throughout this tutorial, we will use labtech to improve and extend this experiment, which currently:

  1. Loads and scales the digits dataset.
    • This is a benchmark dataset where the goal is to train a classifier that can correctly assign a number between 0 and 9 to the image of a hand-written digit.
    • We will want to extend our experimentation to also include other datasets.
  2. Trains a random forest classifier on the digits dataset.
    • The classifier is configured with n_estimators=5 (i.e. a forest of 5 trees) and a fixed random_state (to ensure we get the same result every time we run the code).
    • We will want to extend our experimentation to test other n_estimators values and classifiers other than a random forest.
  3. Evaluates the classifier by calculating the logistic loss of probabilities predicted by the classifier for the dataset.
    • Standard evaluation practice would be to calculate loss for a separate test dataset, but we will use a single dataset for both training and testing to simplify this tutorial.

Let's set up this same experiment to be run with labtech, providing us with a foundation that we can extend throughout this tutorial.

First, we'll define a labtech task type that will load the dataset, train the classifier, and return the probabilities predicted for the dataset. Defining a task type for our experiment is as simple as defining a class decorated with @labtech.task that defines a run() method that performs the experiment and returns its result (the predicted probabilities):

import labtech

class ClassifierExperiment:

    def run(self):
        digits_X, digits_y = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True)
        digits_X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(digits_X)

        clf = RandomForestClassifier(
        ), digits_y)
        prob_y = clf.predict_proba(digits_X)
        return prob_y

Next, we create a labtech lab that can be used to execute the experiment. We'll configure the lab to cache results in a folder called storage/tutorial/classification_lab_1 and to display notebook-friendly progress bars:

lab = labtech.Lab(storage='storage/tutorial/classification_lab_1')

Finally, we create a task instance of ClassifierExperiment and call lab.run_task() to run it. The output will be the predicted probabilities returned by the task's run() method, so we can calculate the loss from them as before:

classifier_experiment = ClassifierExperiment()
prob_y = lab.run_task(classifier_experiment)
print(f'{log_loss(digits_y, prob_y) = :.3}')

An immediate benefit of running an experiment this way with labtech is that the result will be cached to disk for future use. Any future calls to run the same experiment (even after restarting Python) will load the result from the cache:

prob_y = lab.run_task(classifier_experiment)
print(f'{log_loss(digits_y, prob_y) = :.3}')

Defining the task to return the prediction probabilities instead of just the loss metric gives us flexibility to change the evaluation in the future (e.g. from log_loss to another metric) while still being able to re-use the same cached result.

We can also ask our lab to return task objects for all previously cached results for a given task type by calling lab.cached_tasks(). A given task could then be passed to lab.run_task() to load it's result (or we could pass a list of tasks to lab.run_tasks(), as we will see in the next section of this tutorial).


It is very important that you clear any cached results whenever you make a change that will impact the behaviour of a task - otherwise your cached results may no longer reflect the actual result of the current code.

You can clear the cached results for a list of tasks with lab.uncache_tasks():


Parameterising tasks, and running many tasks in parallel

Let's extend our experimentation to compare the results for classifiers configured with different n_estimators values.

To do so, we'll add an n_estimators parameter to our ClassifierExperiment task type and reference it within the run() method as self.n_estimators. Task parameters are declared in exactly the same way as dataclass fields:

import labtech

class ClassifierExperiment:
    n_estimators: int

    def run(self):
        digits_X, digits_y = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True)
        digits_X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(digits_X)

        clf = RandomForestClassifier(
        ), digits_y)
        prob_y = clf.predict_proba(digits_X)
        return prob_y

Now we'll use a list comprehension to construct a list of ClassifierExperiment tasks with different n_estimators values:

classifier_experiments = [
    for n_estimators in range(1, 11)

We can run a list of tasks with lab.run_tasks(), which has the added benefit of leveraging Python's multiprocessing capabilities to run the tasks in parallel - running as many tasks simultaneously as possible with the CPU of the machine running the tasks. Also, because we've changed the definition of our ClassifierExperiment class, we'll keep caches for the new definition separate by constructing a new lab that uses a different storage directory:

lab = labtech.Lab(storage='storage/tutorial/classification_lab_2')
results = lab.run_tasks(classifier_experiments)

lab.run_tasks() returns a dictionary mapping each input task to the result it returned, which we can loop over to print loss metrics for each experiment:

for experiment, prob_y in results.items():
    print(f'{experiment}: {log_loss(digits_y, prob_y) = :.3}')

Maximising concurrency and caching with dependent tasks

Labtech's true power lies in its ability to manage complex networks of dependent tasks - automatically running as many tasks as possible in parallel (even different types of tasks) and re-using cached results wherever possible.

To demonstrate this, let's extend our experimentation with a new post-processing step that will take the probabilities returned by one of our previous ClassifierExperiment tasks and assign a probability of 1 to the most likely class for each record (and conversely assign a probability of 0 to all other classes).

To achieve this, we will define a new MinMaxProbabilityExperiment task type that accepts a ClassifierExperiment as a parameter. Labtech will consider any task in a parameter to be a dependency of the task. Dependency tasks will be run before any of their dependent tasks, allowing us to access the result from the .result attribute of the task parameter (i.e. self.classifier_experiment.result):

import numpy as np

class MinMaxProbabilityExperiment:
    classifier_experiment: ClassifierExperiment

    def run(self):
        prob_y = self.classifier_experiment.result
        # Replace the maximum probability in each row with 1,
        # and replace all other probabilities with 0.
        min_max_prob_y = np.zeros(prob_y.shape)
        min_max_prob_y[np.arange(len(prob_y)), prob_y.argmax(axis=1)] = 1
        return min_max_prob_y

We can then construct and run a list of MinMaxProbabilityExperiment tasks that depend on our previous ClassifierExperiment tasks in classifier_experiments. Labtech will ensure each of the classifier_experiments has been run before it's dependent MinMaxProbabilityExperiment is run, re-using results depended on by multiple tasks and loading previously cached results wherever possible:

min_max_prob_experiments = [
    for classifier_experiment in classifier_experiments

results = lab.run_tasks(min_max_prob_experiments)
for experiment, prob_y in results.items():
    print(f'{experiment}: {log_loss(digits_y, prob_y) = :.3}')

By simply specifying task dependencies, you can construct any task structure that can be expressed as a directed acyclic graph (or DAG) and let labtech handle running tasks concurrently, sharing results between dependent tasks, and using caches wherever possible.

Parameterising tasks with complex objects

Now let's extend our experimentation to compare different classifier models. We'd like to make the classifier itself a parameter to the task, but task parameters can only be json-serializable values or dependency tasks. Therefore, we will use dependency tasks to construct and return classifier objects to our experiment tasks. We achieve this in the following code by:

  1. Defining RFClassifierTask and LRClassifierTask task types.
    • RFClassifierTask returns a random forest classifier parameterised by an n_estimators value.
    • LRClassifierTask returns a logistic regression classifier.
    • Because constructing a classifier object is inexpensive, we don't need to cache them, so we set cache=None in the @labtech.task decorator for these task types.
    • For type hinting purposes, we will identify these task types with the ClassifierTask Protocol, which will match any task type that returns an sklearn classifier.
  2. Redefining ClassifierExperiment to be parameterised by a ClassifierTask.
    • The classifier object to be trained and applied is retrieved from the ClassifierTask result with self.classifier_task.result.
    • Because one ClassifierTask result may be shared by many ClassifierExperiment tasks, the run() method first creates its own copy of the classifier with clone().
from typing import Protocol

from sklearn.base import clone, ClassifierMixin
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

class ClassifierTask(Protocol):

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:

class RFClassifierTask:
    n_estimators: int

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:
        return RandomForestClassifier(

class LRClassifierTask:

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:
        return LogisticRegression(

class ClassifierExperiment:
    classifier_task: ClassifierTask

    def run(self):
        digits_X, digits_y = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True)
        digits_X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(digits_X)

        clf = clone(self.classifier_task.result), digits_y)
        prob_y = clf.predict_proba(digits_X)
        return prob_y

Now we can generate and run a set of RFClassifierTask tasks for various n_estimators values, and construct a ClassifierExperiment for each of these RFClassifierTask tasks as well as an LRClassifierTask task:

rf_classifier_tasks = [
    for n_estimators in range(1, 11)
classifier_experiments = [
    for classifier_task in [

lab = labtech.Lab(storage='storage/tutorial/classification_lab_3')

results = lab.run_tasks(classifier_experiments)
for experiment, prob_y in results.items():
    print(f'{experiment}: {log_loss(digits_y, prob_y) = :.3}')

Providing large objects as context

Sometimes we want to pass large, unchanging objects to our tasks, but don't want to be forced to load them in a dependent task. For example, it would be convenient to load a collection of datasets (on which to run our experiments) outside of any task, allowing us to inspect these datasets before and after the tasks have been run:

iris_X, iris_y = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True)
iris_X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(iris_X)

    'digits': {'X': digits_X, 'y': digits_y},
    'iris': {'X': iris_X, 'y': iris_y},

To achieve this, a labtech lab can be provided with a context that is made available to all tasks. In the following code, we:

  1. Pass a context to the labtech.Lab() constructor, with a 'DATASETS' key for the set of DATASETS defined above.
  2. Redefine ClassifierExperiment to accept a dataset_key parameter and use it to look up a dataset inside the 'DATASETS' key of the context, which is made available by labtech as self.context.
  3. Alter the task generation and evaluation code to handle multiple datasets.
class ClassifierExperiment:
    classifier_task: ClassifierTask
    dataset_key: str

    def run(self):
        dataset = self.context['DATASETS'][self.dataset_key]
        X, y = dataset['X'], dataset['y']

        clf = clone(self.classifier_task.result), y)
        prob_y = clf.predict_proba(X)
        return prob_y

classifier_experiments = [
    # By including multiple for clauses, we will produce a ClassifierExperiment
    # for every combination of dataset_key and classifier_task
    for dataset_key in DATASETS.keys()
    for classifier_task in [LRClassifierTask(), *rf_classifier_tasks]

lab = labtech.Lab(

results = lab.run_tasks(classifier_experiments)
for experiment, prob_y in results.items():
    dataset_y = DATASETS[experiment.dataset_key]["y"]
    print(f'{experiment}: {log_loss(dataset_y, prob_y) = :.3}')

The lab context can also be useful for passing parameters to a task that won't affect its result and therefore don't need to be part of the task's formal parameters. For example: log levels and task-internal parallelism settings.

It is important that you do NOT make changes to context values that impact task results after you have started caching experiment results - otherwise your cached results may not reflect your latest context values.

Bringing it all together and aggregating results

The following code brings all the steps from this tutorial together in one place, with some additional improvements:

  • The "experiment-like" ClassifierExperiment and MinMaxProbabilityExperiment task types are now identified by a common ExperimentTask Protocol (which requires each of those classes to provide a dataset_key attribute or property that is used by the new ExperimentEvaluationTask).
  • A new, final, ExperimentEvaluationTask task that depends on all ExperimentTask tasks is used to compute the loss metric for all experiments.
    • A final task like this is useful once we have a large number of experiments as it allows us to cache the final evaluation of all tasks, meaning that we only need to load experiment results and re-calculate metrics when experiment parameters have changed or new experiments have been added.
  • We enable labtech's integration with mlflow by the following additions (see How can I use labtech with mlfow? for details):
    1. We add mlflow_run=True to the @labtech.task decorator of ClassifierExperiment and MinMaxProbabilityExperiment, indicating that each task of these types should be recorded as a "run" in mflow.
    2. We name the over-arching mlflow "experiment" with mlflow.set_experiment('example_labtech_experiment') before the tasks are run.
from typing import Protocol

import labtech
from sklearn.base import clone, ClassifierMixin

# === Prepare Datasets ===

from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

digits_X, digits_y = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True)
digits_X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(digits_X)

iris_X, iris_y = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True)
iris_X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(iris_X)

    'digits': {'X': digits_X, 'y': digits_y},
    'iris': {'X': iris_X, 'y': iris_y},

# === Classifier Tasks ===

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

class ClassifierTask(Protocol):

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:

class RFClassifierTask:
    n_estimators: int

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:
        return RandomForestClassifier(

class LRClassifierTask:

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:
        return LogisticRegression(

# === Experiment Tasks ===

class ExperimentTask(Protocol):
    dataset_key: str

    def run(self) -> ClassifierMixin:

class ClassifierExperiment(ExperimentTask):
    classifier_task: ClassifierTask
    dataset_key: str

    def run(self) -> np.ndarray:
        dataset = self.context['DATASETS'][self.dataset_key]
        X, y = dataset['X'], dataset['y']

        clf = clone(self.classifier_task.result), y)
        prob_y = clf.predict_proba(X)
        return prob_y

class MinMaxProbabilityExperiment(ExperimentTask):
    experiment: ExperimentTask

    def dataset_key(self):
        return self.experiment.dataset_key

    def run(self) -> np.ndarray:
        prob_y = self.experiment.result
        # Replace the maximum probability in each row with 1,
        # and replace all other probabilities with 0.
        min_max_prob_y = np.zeros(prob_y.shape)
        min_max_prob_y[np.arange(len(prob_y)), prob_y.argmax(axis=1)] = 1
        return min_max_prob_y

# === Results Aggregation ===

from sklearn.metrics import log_loss

class ExperimentEvaluationTask:
    experiments: list[ExperimentTask]

    def run(self):
        return {
            experiment: {'log_loss': log_loss(
            for experiment in self.experiments

# === Task Construction ===

rf_classifier_tasks = [
    for n_estimators in range(1, 11)

classifier_experiments = [
    for dataset_key in DATASETS.keys()
    for classifier_task in [LRClassifierTask(), *rf_classifier_tasks]

min_max_prob_experiments = [
    for classifier_experiment in classifier_experiments

evaluation_task = ExperimentEvaluationTask(

# === Task Execution ===

import mlflow

lab = labtech.Lab(

evaluation_result = lab.run_task(evaluation_task)
for experiment, result in evaluation_result.items():
    print(f'{experiment}: log_loss = {result["log_loss"]:.3}')

Visualising tasks and dependencies

Finally, we can use Labtech to generate a diagram of a list of tasks that shows all of the task types, parameters, and dependencies:

from labtech.diagram import display_task_diagram

], direction='BT')
    direction BT

    class ExperimentEvaluationTask
    ExperimentEvaluationTask : list[ExperimentTask] experiments
    ExperimentEvaluationTask : run()

    class ClassifierExperiment
    ClassifierExperiment : ClassifierTask classifier_task
    ClassifierExperiment : str dataset_key
    ClassifierExperiment : run() ndarray

    class MinMaxProbabilityExperiment
    MinMaxProbabilityExperiment : ExperimentTask experiment
    MinMaxProbabilityExperiment : run() ndarray

    class LRClassifierTask
    LRClassifierTask : run() ClassifierMixin

    class RFClassifierTask
    RFClassifierTask : int n_estimators
    RFClassifierTask : run() ClassifierMixin

    ExperimentEvaluationTask <-- "many" ClassifierExperiment: experiments
    ExperimentEvaluationTask <-- "many" MinMaxProbabilityExperiment: experiments

    ClassifierExperiment <-- LRClassifierTask: classifier_task
    ClassifierExperiment <-- RFClassifierTask: classifier_task

    MinMaxProbabilityExperiment <-- ClassifierExperiment: experiment

Such diagrams can help you visualise how your experiments are running, and may be useful to include in project documentation.

Next steps

Congratulations on completing the labtech tutorial! You're now ready to manage complex experiment workflows with ease!

To learn more about labtech, you can dive into the following resources: